Cu siguranta nu v-ati gandit sa programati o vizita la medicul pedodont cand bebelusul dumneavoastra chicoteste si va zambeste, dar ingrijirea sanatatii orale a unui copil este recomandat sa inceapa inca inainte de aparitia primului dinte. Medicii nostri pedodonti au ca scop monitorizarea ingrijirii dentare a copilului dumneavoastra in curs de dezvoltare inca de la varste fragede.
Clinica stomatologica EDA DENT ofera servicii stomatologice special dedicate atat copiilor, cat si adolescentilor – de la sedinte profesionale de igienizare pana la proceduri stomatologice pentru afectiuni dentare complexe.
Educarea pacientului, dar mai ales preventia sunt esentiale pentru misiunea echipei EDA DENT, motiv pentru care ajutam parintii și copiii sa stabileasca obiceiuri sanatoase. Scopul echipei noastre de medici pedodonti este sa obtina cel mai bun rezultat posibil pentru fiecare copil prin metode adapate acestora.
Clinica noastra este adaptata pacientilor cu varste cuprinse intre 0 si 18 ani si ne dorim ca pacientii nostri sa beneficieze de cea mai placuta experienta in cabinetul stomatologic, iar in acest scop oferim o atmosfera prietenoasa, care ii linisteste chiar si pe cei mai anxiosi copii.
Stim ca fiecare copil este unic si ne adaptam serviciile pentru a raspunde nevoilor fiecarui pacient.
Frica de dentist este o reactie des intalnita atat in randul copiilor, cat si a adultilor. Tocmai de aceea o solutie 100% sigura pentru a combate anxietatea celui mic este inhalosedarea. Inhalosedarea permite copiilor sa coopereze mai bine si sa se relaxeze în timpul oricărei proceduri stomatologice.
Utilizarea protoxidului de azot combinat cu oxigenul ofera un efect calmant asupra micilor pacienti. Protoxidul de azot nu se metabolizeaza si este eliminat rapid pe cale pulmonara, fara a avea un efect negativ. Dupa incheierea tratamentului, pacientul isi poate relua activitatile zilnice
Cifre reprezentative
Echipa noastra
Medicii nostri
Vlad Nichita
Medic stomatolog
Ionut Varga
Medic Stomatolog
Raluca Oprescu
Medic Stomatolog
Ce spun pacientii nostri
Friendly staff, very helpful.
Over the years my dentist has helped me overcome my fear of going to the dentist and fear of the pain. He is very patient, calming, takes time to explain things so I can understand them and has a sense of humor which helps me. I like my hygienist and the rest of my support staff.
Lily Milton
I brought in both of my children (6 and 4), the staff was so friendly, patient, and accommodating!! They were in different rooms to which I floated back and forth to. Each time I went to check on them they were happy and doing what was asked. My kids talked about how much they loved their hygienists.
Daniel Palmer
ResearcherKeep up the great work!
Thank you so much for your wonderful and professional dental care. My last dentist retired and I was nervous about selecting my future dental care professionals. After selecting Dental Clinic, I feel compelled to send you a note to let you know how great my experience was.
George Turner
BusinessmanProfessional and friendly!
I’ve been going to Dental Clinic for years and have always had top-notch care. My hygienist does a great job cleaning my teeth and my dentist is friendly and listens to any concerns I have. My teeth always feel spotless when I leave. Great experience. Friendly and attentive staff.
Lisa Gill
ChemistDe ce sa alegi Eda Dent
Servicii profesionale
Stomatologie pediatrica
Pediatric dentists are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums, and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood. Children are not just small adults. They are not always able to be patient and cooperative during a dental exam. Pediatric dentists know how to examine and treat children.
Igiena Orala
Oral surgery deals with the treatment and ongoing management of irregularities and pathology of the jaw and mouth that require surgical intervention.Surgically removing teeth is the most common procedure that oral surgeons perform, but oral surgery as a specialty has a broad scope. This includes managing hard and soft tissue pathology, oral infections, dentoalveolar trauma and oro-facial pain.
Servicii Ortodontie
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with the growth of the face, the development of teeth and jaws and the correction and prevention of abnormalities. Orthodontics has a strong hospital-based consultant service which concentrates on treating the more severe abnormalities. That said, orthodontic specialty practice in the high street is well-developed and expanding with opportunities for NHS.
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Dr. Karen Dowson
We are proud to have the opportunity to give you the smile of your dreams
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